New in Formulas 2.0

Learn about what’s been added and updated in Notion Formulas 2.0

A more user-friendly editor, 3 new data types, over 30 additional functions, support for variables — and much more. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump in!

Notion’s new formula editing experience has been upgraded in a number of ways.

  • Multiline Editing: no more one-line formulas! Create a new line with shift + enter
  • Code Indentation: make your formulas more readable by indenting with tab
  • Inline Comments: keep track of what your formula does with /* handy comments */
  • Property Tokens: Property references like prop("This") are now shown like This in the editor.

Learn more about the formula editor.

Lists can hold items of any data type and are surrounded by square brackets. Lists are displayed as:

  • Comma-separated: strings, numbers, and dates.
  • Space-separated: People, booleans, and pages.

Learn more about the List data type.

These represent Notion users, like those found in a Person property. People are displayed as full names with a photo.

Learn more about the Person data type.

These represent Notion pages, like those found in a Relation property. Pages are displayed as a rich page link with a page icon.

Learn more about the Page data type.

  1. ifs
  2. split
  3. substring
  4. lower
  5. upper
  6. includes
  7. at
  8. every
  9. some
  10. filter
  11. match
  12. find
  13. findIndex
  14. first
  15. last
  16. flat
  17. let
  18. lets
  19. map
  20. repeat
  21. sort
  22. reverse
  23. sum
  24. parseDate
  25. dateRange
  26. week
  27. style
  28. unstyle
  29. link
  30. name
  31. email
  1. concat: Now concatenates lists, use + for concatenating strings instead
  2. join: Now joins items in a list, but still returns a string as per F1.0 behaviour
  3. slice: Now slices lists, use substring to slice strings instead
  4. start: Renamed to dateStart
  5. end: Renamed to dateEnd

Six functions have been removed in favour of using their operator versions or other alternatives.

  1. larger: larger(2, 1)2 > 1
  2. largerEq: largerEq(2, 1)2 >= 1
  3. smaller: smaller(2, 1)2 < 1
  4. smallerEq: smallerEq(2, 1)2 <= 1
  5. unaryPlus: unaryPlus(true) or +truetoNumber(true)
  6. unaryMinus: -+true or unaryMinus(+true)-toNumber(true)

Notion now supports variables! This is a huge step towards much more concise formulas. Formulas 2.0 introduces two types of variables: built-in and user-defined.

  • current
  • index

A number of the new functions allow you to reference built-in current and index variables, which return the current item in the list and its place in that list respectively.

Functions that allow for the use of current and index:

  • map
  • every
  • some
  • filter
  • find
  • findIndex

Read more about built-in variables.

Variables can be created using new let and lets functions. Note that these both work in exactly the same way, apart from:

  • let allows for only one variable to be created.
  • lets allows for multiple variables to be created.

Read more about user-defined variables.

The majority of functions can now be written in two ways. The first we’ll refer to as the regular notation, and the new version as dot notation.

/* Regular Notation: All arguments are added within the () brackets */
dateAdd(now(), 2, "days")
/*      ↑...↑ First argument */

/* Dot Notation: The first argument is added before the dot */
now().dateAdd(2, "days")
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The following functions cannot be written in the dot notation.

  • e
  • pi
  • now

Learn more about the Notion formula syntax.

Gone are the days of multiple nested if statements! The introduction of ifs allows for a much more elegant way of handling if-else statements.

Learn more about the ifs function.

About the Author

My name is Thomas Frank, and I'm a Notion-certified writer, YouTuber, and template creator. I've been using Notion since 2018 to organize my personal life and to run my business and YouTube channel. In addition to this formula reference, I've created a free Notion course for beginners and several productivity-focused Notion templates. If you'd like to connect, follow me on Twitter.

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