
Below, you’ll find a reference guide for all properties in the Research database. Properties are in alphabetical order.

Type: Relation

Content projects to which this piece of research is directly associated. Typically, this will gain relations when you create research notes directly from a content project.

This Relation property connects to the Research relation property in the Content database.

Type: Rich Text

The author of this research item. Typically useful if you’re capturing articles, studies, or book excerpts.

Type: Relation

Allows you to associate research items with a particular channel. This can be useful for collecting Course research, capturing research items pertinent to a specific Channel, or collecting collaborator/competitor info for a specific Channel.

Type: Rollup

This rollups shows any Focus Keywords set on content projects related to this piece of research.

This drives the All Related Research view within keyword pages.

Type: Created Time

The date and time at which this research item was added to Notion.

Type: Relation

Keywords that are associated with this piece of research. Typically, this property will gain relations when you add research items directly from a keyword’s page.

This Relation property connects to the Research Relation property in the Keywords database.

Type: Title

The name of this research item.

Type: Date

The date this research item was published.

Type: Rich Text

The publisher of this research item. This could be the name of a website, or the name of a publication.

Type: Relation

Use this property to relate this research item to a sponsor in the Sponsors database. This can be useful when collecting other ad reads for this sponsor.

This Relation property connects to the Research Relation property in the Sponsors database.

Type: Select

Labels this piece of research with a specific type – e.g. you might have topical research for a piece of content, outlier content from other creators that did really well for a topic or keyword, etc.

Unlock the Research database to add more items.

Topic ResearchUse this label for research directly related to a piece of content you’re working on, or related to a keyword.
Outlier ContentUse this label when capturing examples of content that has performed extremely well on other channels. Great for topic validation.
Creator TipsUse this label when capturing useful videos or articles that provide tips and advice for improving your business or workflow.
ToolsUse this label when capturing potentially useful tools, plugins, and apps that you might want to use in your content creation workflow.

Type: Url

The link to this research item.

Type: Last Edited Time

The date and time at which this page was last updated.

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