
This changelog page documents all major and minor changes to Ultimate Brain 3.0.

This update introduces a few major new features in Ultimate Brain, including:

  • Native Time Tracking – track how long your tasks take to complete, and even track multiple work sessions for each task.
  • Recurring Tasks Upgrade – you can now create schedules like “The 3rd Thursday of Each Month” with the new “Nth Weekday of Month” Recur Unit option.
  • Daily Planning Properties – improve your daily planning with new Energy, Location, and Process/Immersive properties and views in My Day → Execute.
  • Track Tasks in Areas – the Area template in the Tags database now has a new Tasks section, which shows all tasks within Projects related to an Area.
  • Sub-Task Automations – Auto-close sub-tasks when parent tasks are finished, keep parent and sub-task Project relations in sync, etc.
  • Native Sub-Tasks – Ultimate Brain now uses Notion’s native Sub-Tasks feature.

Additionally, we’ve made a few small tweaks in response to customer feedback, and fixed a couple of small bugs.

Here’s a video tour of all the changes we’ve made:

If you added Ultimate Brain to your Notion workspace prior to this update, you can use the upgrade guides below to update your copy manually. This release includes multiple updates, so you’re free to pick and choose the ones you want to add to your template.

It’s also possible to migrate to a new copy of the template – though for this release, I don’t recommend it unless you really want native Sub-Tasks. All the other updates are quite easy to perform manually, and will take less time than doing a full migration.

All features in this update were created in response to customer requests and feedback we’ve received in our community. If you don’t care to perform these updates to your template, don’t worry about it!

In the Tasks database, we renamed a multi-select property called “Tags” to “Labels”.

This was done to prevent confusion with other Relation properties in other databases that connect to the Tags database.

Here’s an upgrade guide:

Today mark’s the full, public launch of Ultimate Brain 3.0. You can see everything that’s new in our detailed What’s New page.

Alternatively, you can watch the video below!