I’m often asked for advice on how to get into the work that I do – making YouTube videos, podcasts, blog posts, etc. Since I’ve talked about these subjects in several places, I’m going to list them all here. When I’m interviewed on more podcasts in the future, or release other resources, I’ll add them here.
Commence listing!
- Article: How to Produce High Quality Videos for Under $1,000 (Fizzle)
- Video: How to Get More Views on YouTube in 2019 (Video Influencers)
- Video: YouTube Video Production Tips with Thomas Frank (Smart Passive Income)
- Video: How I Use Notion – goes into detail about the process we use for planning, gathering, and editing B-roll
- Podcast: How to Build a YouTube Channel (The College Info Geek Podcast)
- Podcast: How to Use Video and YouTube to Grow Your Business (The Side Hustle Show)
- Podcast: Weekly Videos with No Budget (DIY Video Guy)
- Article: The Complete, Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Successful Blog (College Info Geek)
- Article: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Personal Website (College Info Geek)
- Article: 14 Hard-Hitting Reasons Why You Must Start A Blog In College (College Info Geek)
- Podcast: So You Want to Start Your Own Blog (The College Info Geek Podcast)
- Podcast: Productive Blogging with Thomas Frank (The Productivity Show)
- Article: How to Become a Successful Blogger (Eye of the Intern)
- Podcast: How to Start Your Own Podcast (The College Info Geek Podcast)
- Podcast: The Nuts and Bolts of Running Your Own Business (The College Info Geek Podcast)
- Podcast: The Case for Online Business (Listen Money Matters)